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Brought him back
02.10.2022 21:06
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Oh yeah, i forgot a few things Half the time he is a cannibal, the other half hes chill Uhh hes 6'5" if he stands up strait- which he rarely does so don't worry He pretends to be a soul but is very much alive, after nearly dying twice he thinks hes dead, but knows hes not at the same time Does Not know how to express strong emotions, so dont be suprised when he doesn't talk to you about anything He was close freinds with nightmare, however still does not know what happened to night His OG name was alex, however he switched it for a number of reasons, an obvious one is that night's brother's name is alex, and it was his grandfathers name He hates on how he looks like his older brother [that is lore for another time] so he wears a mask almost 24/7
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