Flipanim - The Hentai p.4


01.09.2018 23:07

Fun isn’t considered when ones balancing the universe, but this..this does put a smile on my face
And angrykid is vored not knowing what to do, he does his mating call from inside, warning birb shots about to go down
Meanwhile zee is ****ing the shit outta hg, I mean like so hard, but zee has a down side, her dick not real, therefore it has limitations. Zee’s Garfield form is not like others of her kind
Hg: I..I can’t take it any longer
Zee: I don’t care, ur getting my sloppy prosthetic cock
You see zee(for some strange reason) wants a dick sooooo bad it started to stick on her
Angrykid: u will soon feel the power ,the faith of my 18 foot holy grail onomatopoeia Of a cock Martin
Itsmartin: u WILL never get out, u will soon die of lack of oxygen...I hope they remember you
Angrykid; shit he has a point
(Not done)
Angrykid finds an exit from thy booty and proceeds ( as we call in the hood ) to dip outta there grapes Ryan and leaves
Iaab: ah come on what was that for?

Angrykid: I don’t think u understand how badly this is gonna get, Martin will not stop until he gets what he wants
Iaab: well what is that?
Angrykid: vore
Iaab: I thought...that was.. are gig?
Angrykid: it was, until the people realized we were getting old, nobody wants to see the same vore duo again and again and again.
Iaab: hmm I guess ur right
Iaab: we’ll then how do we stop zee?
Angrykid: o her, yeah just call her an tumblr sjw and walk away
Iaab: hm ok
Angrykid: not only is it time to take back our place as vore masters...
Angrykid&iaab: but we have to save the planet
(Not done)
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Martin: I will eat all starting with beck-o, pff bandwagoner, i’ll Show u who’s a bandwagoner now
Martin then votes beck-o, Martin is hungry and he’s not stopin till he gets his desert
Angrykid & iaab walk down the streams of mayhem to come across bagels who was crying
Angrykid: hey, w what’s wrong there lil guy, y the long face
Bagels: i lost bae today
Angrykid: and u loss ur life today
Bagels: what?
Angrykid outta know where unleashes his chompers and vored the **** outta bagels
Iaab: now we talkin
Angrykid and iaab run around the street voring Amy and everything they see
In the end, they both vored over 67+ people
Martin was no match for there willpower
Hg: zee please u need to stop ur not a man, I don’t have an asshole I beg u
Zee: nope, u gonna get it where it hu-
Martin outta the blue vores zee
Martin: I will spare u this once, go tell the others of my name
Hg: yes sir *takes off*
(Not done)

Martin looks down at his sonic the handjob watch he got at Kmart
Marin: only 15 hours till the planet is vored, it’s sad really
Angrykid and iaab spot martin
Angrykid: why are u doing this, what drove u to this sanity
Martin: a place in my heart that is now destroyed
Angrykid: lemme guess, ur home
Martin: it was, and it was beautiful
Angrykid: congratulations ur a legend
Martin; I’m a survivor
Angrykid rushes in to attack, Martin takes a hit but swings back, Angrykid and Martin are equally matched
Hg:everyone Martin is coming
Doodlekid: what’s going on?
Hg: m m Martin he’s going to kill us all
Doddlekid: tell me his name again
Angrykid and Martin go toe to toe, arms flying, legs kicking the other won’t go down. Iaab joins the battle helping Angrykid defer martin
Iaab: Angrykid go, ur body’s getting to much damage g get back before u d-
Angrykid: n n no r Ryan
(Not done)

Martin has just killed rayn
Martin; I’m sorry; there isn’t enough room to what is about to happen, in time...u will soon know what it’s like to Lose Angrykid
Angrykid: WHAT HAVE U DONE!!!!!
Angrykid is no longer mortal, with all the rage he has he can turn a balky into a cave,
Angrykid: don’t look back
Angrykid rushes in and roundhouse kicks the shit outta martin
Martin: it can’t be, how did you
Angrykid: when ones heart is at mind nothing can hold u back, there is much things u learn from watching anime
Angrykid: now take this!!!
Angrykid Stab’s martin in the heart,
Martin: ow can u like not
Angrykid: I told u i’ll Kill u
Martin: u should’ve gone for the head
Angrykid: ***** **** u think u is *grabs throat and snaps it*
With Martin dead the world is saved...right?
As tv screens across the world gets this message all hope seems to be lost
Message: if ur hearing this chances are that I’m dead, but u have not won, i’ve Planted a bomb in each re

Region of the world...
Message: Try and stop me now??
Hg: not on my watch..wait I’m only here to sell my body...dammit
Angrykid: so we lost...does that mean that i’ll Never be able to watch season 4 if dxd in dub
Angrykid: Noooooooooooooo o o o!!!!!
Narrator: what will happen next, u deside at goldfish.com
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