So yall know minecraft bows?
23.04.2021 13:02
23.04.2021 13:04
LinkSo, theres this thing called MCMMO, where the more you use the bow, the stronger it gets
Theres also another thing called Eco-enchants, where you can get like, custom enchants (force, massively increases bow damage, wither shot, chance to wither your enemy, buckshot, shoot 6 arrows)
23.04.2021 13:05
LinkAnd i play on a survival server where it has BOTH, and you know how bows should only like, 1 shot a no aumor player (a maxed bow) in normal mc?
23.04.2021 13:05
LinkI casually 1shot a full natherite dude
23.04.2021 13:05
Link100% fair
23.04.2021 13:06
LinkBecuase a shoot 6 ARROWS, EACH dealing enough to 1-shot full iron aumor. Not adding the face that I have a chance to make the nausous and make their reticale go up to the sky so they can't aim
23.04.2021 13:08
LinkOh also, just for some spice, theres a chance that I deal LEGIT LIKE 2.5X MORE DAMAGE every few shots
Oh another enchant where I can (on things under 4 hearts) 1 shot them
Oh also it had mending and infinity
Ah it also has a thing where it spits lava particles (for show) and it cover most of their screen
23.04.2021 13:09
LinkOh also the faurther away i am, the more damage (AKA if I'm 1 block, I might deal 4 rows of hearts, but if I am 50, i might deal 4.5 rows)
23.04.2021 13:10
LinkAlso because why not
My sword has like, the same things, but it also makes them randomly explode
23.04.2021 13:12
LinkWait if THAT's not even enough, My aumor also gives me 4 extra hearts, I have a 30% chance to IGNORE damage, and each piece has about protection 6. Oh I also deal more damage when I have low health, and I'm full netherite