The Return: Chapter 4


30.03.2020 13:10
Link(A/N) There will be blood/gore so warning

30.03.2020 13:10
LinkTom looked at Tord, his expression full of... fear? Yes. Fear. Tord, dumbfounded, didn't move.
"T-Tom... I..."
"What are you doing in my room?!" Tom yelled, although it almost sounded like a whimper. He jumped off of the bed and walked over to Tord, attempting snatching the knife out of his hand. Tord pulled it just out of Tom's reach.

30.03.2020 13:10
Link"Tom." Tord said sternly. Tom reached it again. Annoyed and confused, Tord closed the knife and put it in his pocket. Tom glared at him.
"Tell me what's going on." Tord, although his voice was stern, his eyes were soft and worried. Tom looked away, his body feeling heavy. Tord sighed.
"Go away."
"But Tom-"

30.03.2020 13:10
Link"I said go!" Tom shoved Tord as he tried to come closer. Tord stumbled slightly, surprised by Tom's random force. Tom himself seemed surprised as well, but crossed his arms and looked away. He couldn't bring himself to look into Tord's eyes, knowing the pain he would see there. Instead, he focused on a shard of glass on the ground.
Tord understood. He opened his mouth to say one last thing, but closed it quickly, shaking his head. Tom heard his footsteps recede out the door and down the hall. Not until then did he look up. The door was still cracked open, so he walked over and shut it.
Shit... Why am I so stupid? If I had just cleaned all this up...

30.03.2020 13:10
LinkTom sat against the door, ignoring the shards of glass that poked at his sides. He pulled his knees to his chest, rested his elbows on his knees, and put his face in his hands. He closed his eyes, trying to get rid of the thoughts that swam around, biting at his mind like a rabid animal.

30.03.2020 13:10
LinkYou're useless.
No one wants you.
N-no, it's not true...
Look what you've done.
He's going to tell them all.
He.... He wouldn't.
Your secret isn't safe anymore.
You should just kill yourself.
Tom tried his best to keep himself together. His nails dug into his head as he choked out a sob. The voices began to chant as Tom fought for control.

30.03.2020 13:10
Please stop... please...
You're worthless, Thomas.
Please, I'll do anything...

30.03.2020 13:11
LinkTom looked at a large shard of glass on the ground and picked it up slowly.
Do it.
He pulled in a shaky breath as he tugged up his sleeves, revealing the wounds that attempted to heal.
It'll make it all better.
Tom sighed before he brought the glass down, letting it sink into his flesh and glide across his skin. He watched as the clear glass became tinted with red, casting an ominous shadow over his already bloodied arm. He watched as the blood dripped down, onto his floor.

30.03.2020 13:11
LinkGood boy. Keep going.
More? Why more?
Because it'll fix it all.
He brought it down again, leaving another line.
And another.
And another.
Time passed and he ended up covered in blood. His vision was going a little blurry. He breathed heavily. He wanted to cry but couldn't get it to come out.
He heard footsteps come up the stairs.
Must be Tord... He growled to himself.

30.03.2020 13:11
LinkBetter clean this up. You wouldn't want him to see.
Obeying the voices, Tom pulled down his sleeves and walked over to his closet, pulling out a black and blue houndstooth hoodie, pulling off his regular blue one, and sliding the new hoodie over it. He pulled up the sleeves and reached back into his closet, pulling out bandaging and wrapping them around both arms before pulling his sleeves back down.
He heard a knock on the door, and quickly threw his blue hoodie under his bed. He walked to the door, expecting Tord. But what he got wasn't what he would have thought of in a million years.