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the beauty of monolids
23.09.2020 17:55
Linkalright boys and girls, let's talk eyes. Specifically: monolids, and why you should probably stop giving every single Asian character a crease
So, eyelids with creases in them are referred to as double-eyelids. They're commonly seen in cultures with Bigger eyes, and they're mostly associated with European people.
The second eye you see with no visible creases is a monolid- this eye type is most often associated with Asian people, particularly East Asian people (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.)
Monolids have, however, been often seen as ugly in East Asian cultures, particularly in South Korea, due to colonization and the heavy pushing of Eurocentric beauty ideologies. This gives us double-eyelid surgery, which is done to give people with a monolid the appearance of a double-lid.
Now, an important thing to realize is that monolids are not ugly- they're eyelids, man. The sole reason people even think that is largely because of colonization and racism.
23.09.2020 18:02
LinkAnd there are aome Asian artists who believe that giving an Asian character an eyelid crease (among pther European features such as big round eyes and super thin noses) as whitewashing.
This means that giving every single Asian character European features is kind of a big yikes. So take the time to look up references- monolids, wider noses, even different face shapes!