max having an angy #2837292739
31.01.2021 02:11
31.01.2021 02:14
Linkaight so I was casually doing internet shit like the nerd I am,
And well it turns out that people who dislike the emoticon known as "uwu" are known as "uwuphobic" and people start compairing people who dislike the emoticon to homophobes. Which in my opinion is disgusting. Then they act like people who get mildly uncomfortable by uwu are like "OMG EW FURRY DIE!!1!1!1!" like. No. You can say your stupid little emoticon all you want. No one is stopping you. But you have to realize that not everyone is going to appreciate it. now stop making it look like people who dislike it are such awful people
31.01.2021 02:17
Linknow. This is irrevalent. But I'm just gonna say this.
The main reason I personally dislike uwu and owo is because I once used those emoticons. And well it just brings up really gross and humiliating memories every time I see it.
With other people it's probably a form of ocd or just disagreement with furry or weeaboo culture.
There's reasons for disliking it. So stop being a whiny shit when people dislike your uwu and owo
i respect your opinion
i personally like the emoticon but comparing a person uncomfortable with it to someone saying dating someone of the same or no gender is sick and disguting and needs god to pary it out of them is not right