the rumors are true.
28.09.2024 01:31
LinkBunnyfrompiggy28.09.2024 01:29
seriously, what do they even have against you??
hate is a learned behavior, so someone must have hurt them so badly for them to turn out this way. it's actually wild how chronically online some people are
and then they use their friends to gang up on others, and then they use the internet as their personal shield
funny how they always seem to target us, though
this is true
28.09.2024 01:31
Linkalso honeypot stalked their ex and even sent their exes nudes to their parents what a freak
28.09.2024 01:32
Linkbunnyfrompiggy youre just a big liar too u tried to say i made rape threats to you when i barely talked to you like last time i called honeypot ugly
28.09.2024 01:33
Linkyeah i target ur kind sorry
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