05.09.2018 23:17
Linkfor twix: ik i was gone for a long time but i have a life outside of animating and sometimes i don't feel like dealing with drama and shit so...i left for a while and i'm sick rn because i starved myself so i couldn't get on for a while sorry
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05.09.2018 23:35
Don't blame you getting hurt on her. That's ****ed up.
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06.09.2018 00:09
Linksure xd
06.09.2018 00:09
Linkthe face issue of your mouth telling ****ed up lies and ****ed up things?
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06.09.2018 00:10
Linkim fine lol xdxdxd
06.09.2018 00:10
Linksure xd
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06.09.2018 00:11
Linkhopefully you know what else you said.
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06.09.2018 00:13
LinkBecause it's online you brainless ****
06.09.2018 00:13
Link"Try giving a **** once in a while first"
"nice to know that you dont give a **** about our friendship :)"
06.09.2018 00:14
LinkDo you not care about other people, do you literally only care for Nummy and not your REAL girlfriend
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06.09.2018 00:14
LinkI can care less about your apparent "Accident" that happened but you literally harassed her.
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06.09.2018 00:15
Linkok and who gives a **** about you being angry. you blamed her for getting you hurt. honestly if you cared about her health you wouldn't have harassed her.
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06.09.2018 00:15
Linknobody cares about your disgusting family
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06.09.2018 00:16
LinklmaO why would you be angry? dont you feel sympathy?
not everything is about you kid, if nummy is suffering and you just get angry at her because you think you and your own injuries are more important, i think thats highly incorrect
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06.09.2018 00:16
LinkHarassment doesn't just go towards enemies, Unless you're not educated enough and have to look up google definitions.
06.09.2018 00:17
LinkThank you Luna <3
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06.09.2018 00:17
LinkExcuse me what the ****, you're the one who's torturing the ****ing 11/12 year old with sexual shit and trying to make her feel bad about yourself
06.09.2018 00:17
Link"you left to starve yourself while i got hurt?"
06.09.2018 00:17
Linkyou were obviiously angry
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06.09.2018 00:21
Linkyknow posting word by word definitions really doesn't help your excuses at all.
you could've just went like "you left to starve yourself? but i think you have a life outside of fa that you can live and be happy in" or something like that, but you went like "you left to starve yourself while i got hurt" which gives heavy connotations that she doesn't care about you somehow because she left you and you got hurt? she's not responsible for your injuries. your injuries dont have anything to do with her in the first place. and you tried changing your meaning immediately afterwards, but that really doesn't do anything. your previous comment still stands.
see, this analysis of another person's words and or text can do a lot more than just copying and pasting. its way more complex and requires understanding of human language and comprehension.
06.09.2018 00:21
LinkExplain what you ****ing said in the past then, even if you can
06.09.2018 00:22
LinkuHuHu before you attacked FancyFenny for saying "Im your daddy" and you cussed her out and quickly deleted your comments after Feather-Paws live streamed it. You said "no she's mine im her daddy ;)". You also said sexual terms to her.
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06.09.2018 00:24
LinkI'm actually gonna say something. What you do in the past does not cover up what you do in the future and present. If you're really 15, I'm disgusted. I would've wanted to see you act much more better.
06.09.2018 00:24
Linkoh my ****ing god don't lie
06.09.2018 00:25
Linkheck, you might just be 11
06.09.2018 00:25
Linkyou should be more wise with what you say on the internet, and you should care for what i have to say because you should think more about other people's emotions before blindly acting out on it. if you really claim you're not a child, then start acting like it.
you're clearly trying to extract yourself from a difficult conversation that proves you wrong but okie, you do you, my dear manipulative friend uwu~
06.09.2018 00:26
LinkPenelex, Gitternation said he lied about his age, He's much younger. I can now see what she means.
06.09.2018 00:26
Linkouch, deleting all your comments! what a cowardly move. we all know what you're really like, but it wouldnt even be this bad if you accepted that you made mistakes. oh well, faith in humanit -1000
06.09.2018 00:27
Linkhumanity* reE qvq
06.09.2018 00:27
LinkHe deleted the comments lol
06.09.2018 00:27
LinkOh my god. -Luna-, Penelex. When he got hacked i was SO happy but then he came back on v-cherri's account and he started to vent like a mother****ing depressed kid. it's actually gross. and it's ruining there page.
06.09.2018 00:28
06.09.2018 00:31
LinkHe's telling Nummy to delete the chain now
06.09.2018 00:32
Linki know i saw and i screenshotted