hi im new


03.12.2020 18:13
Linkhey who liked but didnt coment....
your suposet to welcom me

03.12.2020 18:18
Linki did sorry

04.06.2021 05:54
Linkyour spelling and grammer wtf

"hey who liked but didnt coment....
your suposet to welcom me"
Can you stfu? Just because you're new or whatever doesn't mean that EVERYONE's just gonna welcome you, okay? Also, stop begging for followers and for people to draw you. It's annoying as shit. You need to earn followers. Some people, if you follow them, will follow you back in a nice action. Others do it because you're a friend. But most people follow others because of the quality of their art. I really don't care about you feelings so I'm going to say it. Your art is not good, nor the animation. It's literally two frames of a shit stick cat-horse thing waving or sum shit. If you want followers, you need to put effort into your art. It's not quality art, okay?
Just stop begging for followers and for people to follow you and for people to welcome you. That's not this site works, okay? It's a toxic pile of shit and not a nice place. Stop being entitled, got it, kid?

Your mom said that? Holy shit, you're a spoiled, entitled little brat. Just because you ask someone for something, doesn't mean they HAVE to give it to you. I don't give two ****s if you are a child or a female. Nobody's gonna give you what you want for free most of the time, at least not the people actually have a brain. Also, "well i am new so they have to be nice to me or i will leaf". What the ****. One, learn how to spell, idiot. It's leave, not leaf. Two, nobody would give two shits if you left. There's already over 5K people on here, one 5 year old wont make a difference.

Okay? I don't give two shits about your mother. And no, I will not shut up, okay?
What the **** are you trying to sya there? "and you are just playn old ogly" The ****? Again, learn to spell, *****. You don't even KNOW what I look like...
And I am ABSOLUTELY NOT supposed to do what you say! You're not the Queen of England or the president of the United States and even if you were, **** you, I don't give two shits.
And I can be as mean and cruel as I want to. So suck it up and either leave or stop begging like a little whore.