Years of art...
just a fat being jiggly
New Faces: Part 3
Concentration on Relaxation
SephPep fanimation!
Wolfe Ref.
10.02.2022 15:10
10.02.2022 15:11
LinkGot from Scalez
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10.02.2022 15:25
LinkName: Wolfe
Gender: Boy
Age: 13
Mostly brown, with darkest brown scales on back to lightest brown on underside; green horn with small lines circling it; grey claws; two spikes/spiney-things on back, on light brown on top and light/FA green on bottom; there are spikes on the end of tail that are a darker green; a stripe splits in two over the eyes to the beginning of horns; light brown above upper lip, under eye and leads all the way to the ear; a dark brown is in between the white stripe; dark brown fingers and toes; four wings are light green near the top and a dark brown line separates dark green feather-like things on the bottom, under the main wing is basically the same except no brown line separates the light and dark green, this is same for the inside
Powers: None known
10.02.2022 15:25
LinkBack story...
He was raised in the woods by wolves because his mother abandoned him (Hence the name, Wolfe). He grew up knowing he was different but did not care because all the wolves treated him as an equal. Wolfe currently knows 45 animal languages (Not including Dragon) and has helped the wolves in very dangerous situations. He recently left the wolf pack to explore what the rest of the world looks like (Don't worry, he will come back to the pack).
10.02.2022 15:27
LinkOC folder