round 3 baby lets go
24.08.2019 15:41
LinkWhy are they a thing
24.08.2019 15:44
Linkit jsut kinda happens
What made tornadoes go in a circular pattern?
Do they actually pick up things like houses, cars, and other stuff or does it just destroy them?
How does a tornado stop if it picks up more and more things as long as it goes on?
Do hurricanes come from tornadoes, how are they different?
so tornadoes are tornadoes because they rotate, or else the wouldn't exist, what makes them rotate is the mesocyclone, or a rotating supercell (huge, really ****ing strong storm), for weak tornadoes they are called land spouts or waterspouts, and sometimes they don't even need a mesocyclone, but only for the spouts because its a whole other thing
they do, they kinda suction them up a bit they toss them at high speeds (enough to impale or kill a person) riping them to shreds
well, the objects don't control tornadoes, air does.
so when warm air pushed cold hair down and makes kinda a rotating when the cold air reaches the bottom it heats up and rises, that makes thunderstorms, when you have a mixture of tornado ingredients it makes a tornadic mesocyclone, if enough rain cools the downdraft then it will cool the warm air below, stopping the updraft of warm air into the rotating storm, causing the tornado to like retract into the storm, sometimes one storm can spawn multiple tornadoes or tornado families
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