lmt-important for me at least
06.01.2021 17:11
LinkOK,so,I am Irish,I do have red hair,and my favorite color might be green,BUT.THAT.DOES.NOT.MEAN.I.LIVE.IN.IRELAND. Nor does it mean I speak Irish(ok,i do speak Irish,but thats not the point) Now i need ppl-that dont even know me-to stop stereotyping. I have red hair,but not every Irish person does. And my favorite color is green,but im sure thats just a coincidence. People also need to stop calling me a leprechaun. Now,this has only happened 4 times on FA(but a million irl),but it should never happen :^ This goes for other people to,if someones Mexican,that does not mean they live in mexico,or ever have been to Mexico. I myself have never been to Ireland,but I would love to go. SO.STOP.STEREOTYPING.ME.OR.ANYONE.ELSE
Besides the names and stereotyping, I have always thought red hair looks beautiful. But yes, it's rude to just assume that just because somebody is Irish or Mexican, they can automatically speak that language. Plus calling somebody names based on the fact that they're from a different origin place than you, is rude.