Current mood (I'll explain)
19.04.2018 19:16
Linkpoor you
I used to always think of myself as the SMART one in the group... Long story short, I feel like as all my friends get better and better at tons of subjects I get worse and worse. With Math (a thing I've ALWAYS struggled with) I feel like I'm finding it SO much harder to do SIMPLE things like Ratios and stuff while my friends do it like *snaps fingers* that. I have literally cried so many times because I feel like stupid in some of my favourite lessons like Art, History and English... Stuff I used to be so good at but now... With History in one of my classes (because we have two history classes/teachers) I was the best student in the class but now I feel like the other students are getting SO much better than me. There is then ALSO the fact of me wanted to do/be something unique but everytime I try, my friends end up doing the same thing. Drawing/art, playing piano, acting, being smart etc... I get jealous SO easily and want to be unique and different from my friends. Hopefully some of this made a sense...