Am sad rn for some reason
31.07.2019 02:40
Link:'( don't be
31.07.2019 02:41
This is her mom and this was all a big misunderstanding. sorry i didn't use spell check but @Annamations if you don't think it was her mom my number is 3378522343 call me and tell me all those horrible things you were telling my 11 year old. There are laws against cyber bulling i will seek prosecution to the full extent of the law. Now tell me that was a eleven year old who wrote this
You only changed what we called you out on, FPK.
Stop pretending you’re your mom and take the blame for what your perverted ass child has done.
StickWorld is under the age of 18, therefore she is a minor, and that is VERY illegal to do that to someone who isn’t even legally aloud to drive a car.
So what’s worse, your daughter forcing someone who is underage to draw them incest despite them saying no multiple times, or us calling her out on it.
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