{Ponyo and Sosuke}
randomperson vs strangecat
155 frames! Enjoy! 😸
Nun-Uh { Practice }
Growing Flame
guys point and laugh
05.10.2022 15:50
05.10.2022 15:51
Linknot only is this immature [which I feel you're going to call me an asshole over]
it is entirely impossible and inconsiderate.
as a person who has attempted to get this website shut down, with the help of law enforcement, for rational reasons, I can tell you there is nothing you can do legally speaking.
This is held by internet not intrenet.
which means it's public server, so you can't get it shut down, and I really doubt you're the type to break laws to do something so petty.
not only is it impossible, it's purely out of reasons that only make sense to you, it's a harsh reality, however, assholes exist and to "get rid of them" wouldn't be fathomable, and shows how immature you really are. If you cannot handle the fact that mean people exist you are entirely petty and immature, there is nothing you can do about that.
also name me a website without trolls.
along with that you shouldn't "punish" majority because you don't like the minority of the people.
stop trying to be edgy
05.10.2022 15:52
Linkthere is litterally
smells of "nice guy" in here
let's not forget what dirt people have dangling over your head dude,,
05.10.2022 15:54
Linkwe don't toleerate emos on fa /j