- create flipbook animations online!
story time-
23.03.2021 21:57
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ok this is gonna take awhile-
23.03.2021 22:06
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Ok so today started out as a normal boring day......until math class- heh umm a girl said anime was stupid and that i shouldnt watch it- ummm so i stood up and I- umm basically started a small fight- i yelled at her and umm she said "listen. you can be addicted to drugs, alchohol or anything BUT ANIME!" and when she said addicted to alchohol that kinda triggered me and not in a good way- (personal reasonsssss) my good friend [her name] had to step infront of me and made me sit back in my seat. now i also hated that girl bc she was just always complaining and stuff ya know? overall she was just annoying but whatever. then lunch happened and blah blah blah started another small fight at my table over some very serious stuff [like death, mental illnesses and stuff] and blah blah blah the day went on. then we had scienceeeee. i have to make a report on Tornados and stuff [were basically recording ourselves making a news report and stuff and it has to be 30-60 seconds long] I SWEAR I CANNOT SAY "metereoligest"-
23.03.2021 22:19
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si we had to time ourselves saying it right? i had reread it 7 times to get it right bc i kept stuttering- then i had gym [this, this is where i almost hit the kid] so im just naruto running under the volleyball nets and trying to get the Hinata spike and stuff before class started so im just messing around and stuff ya know? so... MY CLASS HAD ARCHERYYYYYY! [btw theres 2 classes but w have gym at the same time and stuff] so my class goes to the mini gym and we line up against the wall and a dude pushes me. [btw this is the same dude that called "sexy" and lets just say i hate this kid] so he pushes me and ya know what i did? i pushed him back. ok then we all lined up against the wall and sat down while the teacher was talking to us about how to aim and stuff. ok then we get up and find a group of 3 so im in a group with all girls bc why not- then the dude that shoved me, his group stands next to us so their hyping eachother up and stuff. so we all take turns shooting and stuff-
23.03.2021 22:28
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so while im hesitating to go the other girl in my group was TERRIFIED. [ now look, i knew something was gonna go wrong ok. i mean this was literal life or death bc you make one wrong shot and its just chaos- well i mean it already was chaos] so while im standing here looking back between the girl behind me waiting in line and the girl infront of me shooting. the guy that shoved [ima just name him Luke bc why not] so Luke looks at me and says "its not that bad, stop hesitating" i look at this dude with straight up confusion. "really?! how do you know its not that bad!? you havent even gotten a turn yet!". so its my turn- yay :') so i walk over to the crossbows [whatever there called] and look at it in confusion. ok i wasnt paying attention when the teacher was explaining bc i zoned out halfway through- I pick up an arrow and ask the guy next to me how do i set this up? he told me how to set it up right? ok well ya know he shoots then i aim and i shoot my first arrow- and i missed- the guy infront of me shoots-
23.03.2021 22:36
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so then im just ok well its my turn. [we only got 2 arrows and he shot both] ok so he was messing around and talking t his friends behind him in line and pretending to aim the crossbow at them. so i aim my crossbow at him... NOT REALIZING THAT I STILL HAD AN ARROW ON THE CROSSBOW! bro- IF I HAD LET GO OF THE STRNG THING IT WOULD HAVE HIT HIM! thankfully i noticed and stopped aiming it at him- [not as exciting but eh] anyways i shot my last arrow and it ended up hitting the target so thats pretty good. so i then i go back to my group and we talk and stuff. then...... a dude was shoving his friend towards me saying "CMON! KISS HER!!" and being the lesbian dumbass i am i said back "IM LESBIAN WTF!" idk why i yelled that but it was the first thing that came into my head [ i also kinda have a crush on a girl so like-] so about 5 minutes later the same guy that said that came running up behind me and shoving me. [that. scared. the. crap. outta. me] so i obviously yell/scream. then "Luke" loks at me laughing-
23.03.2021 22:53
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about 10 minutes later still bored af, these guys start hugging and their friends are like "ayo thats gay bro!" but then the girl behind me hugged me ;-; [very wholesome indeed] so were just hugging and a dude comes up to us and says "THAT GAYS!" i honestly didnt care bc i technically am- well lesbian/bisexual [idk yet] so im just like eh whatever. so basically everyone on my side of the gym is hugging or laughing [ya know, just having a little hangout :D] so were chillin laughing and stuff and the girl behind kept patting my head [ah yes, head pats are very nice u-u] so then we had to go back to the nromal gym but on the way out 2 guys were pushed against eachother [it looked like one of them pinned the other to the wall] and some kids ekpt calling them gay- [also when we were all hugging and vibing one of the girls called us "fags" which honestly pissed me off] so yeah, i also had to had sit in the hallway during social studies but other than that my day was pretty normal :D so yeah thats my story timeeeee
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