03.07.2024 16:20
LinkIf you dont know who Cavetown is he is a music artist from the U.K.His name is Robin/Robbie Skinner and he makes Indie and bedtoom pop music.He made songs like Devil Town,Juliet,and Boys Will Be Bugs

03.07.2024 16:21
LinkIm like a HUGE fan of him for a year and a half ish because his music is great and is about gender identity and other stuff like that.But i saw him LIVE yesterday and OMG!

03.07.2024 16:24
LinkOk first of all he played my favorite song Fall In Love With A Girl and while he was playing since i was in the front he waved at me and i did a heart and he did it back.During his song Home he said that we were all pretty and valid and he was like holding up the trans flag because its a song about self acceptance.I cried because I've been having a hard time accepting myself for being trans but Cavetown makes me want to try.He also preformed Gulity and Pigeon which are some other songs by him i like.During Juliet we all yelled "Oh hes so pretty" And i met this cool person names jasper

03.07.2024 16:26
LinkAnd Mother Mother was amazing too!They played both haylofts and Oh Ana and other really good songs.If you like indie music you shoulf def check out cavetown and mother mother!
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