fantastic distraction
draw challange for nonoyobiz
d r a g o n q u e e n .
strangecat once again
Warriors Map Call!
27.09.2021 19:50
27.09.2021 19:51
LinkSong: Burn the whole house down
27.09.2021 19:51
Link(note: basically, I list the part with its number, then in parentheses i put what happens in that part, organized by the same lines in the song.)
1. Used to keep it cool
Used to be a fool
All about the bounce in my step
(Ivypaw sitting down with Dovepaw
Dovepaw walking away
Ivypool concentrating on hunting)
2. Watch it on the news
Whatcha gonna do?
I could hit refresh and forget
Used to keep it cool
(Dovepaw, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze huddled
Ivypaw turning around and walking away
Ivypaw exhaling by the lake
Ivypaw alone by the lake, sun setting)
27.09.2021 19:51
Link3. instrumental
(ivypaw meeting hawkfrost on the moor in her dream)
4. Should I keep it light?
Stay out of the fight?
No one's gonna listen to me
(Ivypaw talking to Hawkfrost
IvyPOOL facing away from Hawkfrost
Ivypaw waking up)
5. If I write a song
Preaching what is wrong
Will they let me sing on TV?
(Ivypaw training with Hawkfrost on the moor
Ivypaw training in the dark forest with Mapleshade
Ivypaw standing on the rock in the dark forest)
6.Should I keep it light?
Is that right?
(Ivypaw clawing at Breezepelt
Ivypaw waking up
Ivypaw by the lake again, midday)
27.09.2021 19:52
Link7. Instrumental
(Ivypaw by the lake, the sun setting)
8. Way up way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up way up, oh no
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Ivypaw fighting Antpelt in the dark forest
Mapleshade training an apprentice in the river in the dark forest
Mapleshade trying to drown Ivypaw in the river in the dark forest
Hawkfrost hissing on the rock)
9. Watch me stand in the line
You're only serving lies
You've got something to hide
(Ivypaw with all the other apprentices in the dark forest
Hawkfrost talking on the rock
Hawkfrost, Brokenstar, Tigerstar, and mapleshade huddled together)
10. We gon' burn the whole house down
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Hawkfrost training Ivypaw
Ivypaw waking up
Hawkfrost spiritually beside Ivypaw while she hunts)
27.09.2021 19:52
Link11. instrumental
(Ivypaw at a gathering)
12. Yeah, used to let it go
Walk into the show
Gawking at the tricks up your sleeve
(Ivypaw becoming Ivypool
Ivypool walking in the dark forest
Apprentices gawking aw Hawkfrost's moves)
13. Too good to be true
But I'm in a room
Full of entertainers and thieves
(Ivypool beating Mapleshade in the river
Ivypool looking around
Someone taking another cats life)
14. Used to let it go
Woah, oh no
-Woah, oh no-
(Ivypool turning away angrily
Ivypool charging at Flametail
Tigerheart stopping Ivypool
Hawkfrost scolding them both
Flametail running away)
27.09.2021 19:52
Link15. Way up way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up way up, oh no
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Ivypool viciously fighting Mapleshade
Ivypool killing Antpelt
Ivypool fighting Breezepelt
Ivypool hissing at Hawkfrost)
16. Watch me stand in the line
You're only serving lies
You've got something to hide
(Ivypool hiding, staying after training
Brokenstar drawing in the dirt
Ivypool approaching the abandoned drawing)
17. We gon' burn the whole house down
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Dovewing waking Ivypool up
Ivypool carrying a bird
Ivypool shaking her head clear)
27.09.2021 19:53
Link18. Should I hang my head low?
Should I bite my tongue?
(Ivypool hanging her head next to Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
Ivypool looking Hawkfrost in the eyes)
19. Or should I march with every stranger
from Twitter to get sh1t done?
(Dovewing,Lionblaze, and Jayfeather looking at the viewer
A gathering)
20. Used to hang my head low
Now I hear it loud
Every stranger from Twitter is gonna burn this down
(Ivypool lifting her head by the lake, the sun setting
Ivypool running into camp
All 4 clans together)
27.09.2021 19:53
Link21. Way up way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up way up, oh no
We gon' burn the whole house down
(the leader\med cat gathering
Dovewing pricking her ears
Mistystar panicking
All the leaders parting ways)
22. Watch me stand in the line (whoa oh)
You're only serving lies (yeah)
You've got something to hide
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Dark forest cats spilling into thunderclan
Aive cats wary to follow
Tigerstar meowing
Hawkfrost charging out into the open)
23. -instrumental-
Woah oh, yeah -instrumental-
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Firestar fighting Brokenstar
Ivypool fighting in Shadowclan
Ivypool running in the moor)
24. We burn it down,
we burn it down
We gon' burn the whole house down
(Ivypool fighting Hawkfrost
Hawkfrost Killing Hollyleaf
Ivypool and Dovewing sitting side by side at Hollyleaf's body)
27.09.2021 19:54
Link(also the fact that i didn't put sol anywhere is funny. You can put him in backgrounds if you want)
ALL designs will go by wiki UNLESS they are in attached post
Comment removed
27.09.2021 21:42
Linkdo NOT follow mapleshades design in that post above, follow this. Thanks!
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