Cody loves me not Starskit!
09.11.2017 20:38
telling someone to kill them self is against teh law everywhere. if you tell them to and they actually do it you can go to jail for assisted murder. if they say they want to kill themself and you agree with them, you can go to jail for attempted murder. ad dont think just because your a kid that you wouldn't get arrested, they have juvinial detention which is kid jail. you woulndt go now because you are four but you would be forced to go at an older age to pay for your crimes. also, you might be thinking that the police dont know, but if someone were to report you....
there are thousands of people on this sight, at one point anyone can report your butt to the police. im not saying me but if this goes on i will. suicide is bad and horrible. stop just saying people should kill themselves
So, uglygirl, right? That's your name, isn't it?
Don't you ever ****ing dare tell somebody to kill themselves. Very many people, including myself, are already suicidal and are struggling with life. You are very rude, and do not deserve to be on Flipanim, or on any website in general. I can be a ***** sometimes, but even I don't go that far. You say everybody would be happier without Starskit? That isn't true. What's true is that most people would be happier without you talking shit about people. This is so ****ing annoying, and people like you are the people who piss me off the most. You're creating terrible pieces of artwork that you spend zero time on just to tell somebody to kill themselves?! You're a disgusting little child that your parents most-likely lie to every ****ing day when they tell you they love you. I'm doubting you have friends in real life because you keep telling people to kill themselves, which is not only harsh, but it's wrong. You are downright disgusting, you little shit.