

18.12.2017 14:41

18.12.2017 14:42
Linkit was just a thought i thunk

I actually feel other peoples vibes and can make myself see thing. It's not much of a superpower and can't do anything really but it's kinda cool. Say there were three people in a room. I was in the back corner paying no attention to the other two people, who are extremely happy. I can feel that they are happy. But then, without making a sound a fourth person walks in. I don't even know that they are there but i can feel that in the area they are in something is off. The person is extremely angry. I feel that anger in the area of the room they are in and i can still feel the other two peoples happiness so i use logic and without looking up or knowing someone else was i the room i know someone new is in the room and they are angry. Then i look up and see i was right. It's strange and i can just..do it. Also i can tell myself I see something and i see it. My brain can basically do whatever i want it to do. If i want to see my friends head chopped off i see it hit the floor and blood everywhere but they are fine