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Corey nsfw alphabet!!
16.09.2020 16:55
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) She loves aftercare!! Kisses are her favorite!! Kiss and cuddle her for as long as you want to after the fact, she loves to compliment, so she’ll be sure to tell you how amazing you did!!
16.09.2020 16:58
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B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s Well it depends, Coreys bisexual but has a bit of a preference for males, but tits!! She loves them!! She’s very shy about her own but after a bit she’d be sure to open up and show more of herself, as for her partner!! Smiles realllly get to her, you have a cocky little smirk while you guys are getting involved? She’s all over that, wanna smile sweetly as you tell her how beautiful she is? She’ll want your babies.
16.09.2020 17:00
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C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Um!! Obsessed with cum!! Like litteraly, all over, she dosent give a ****. But her favorite place is inside, she hates condoms and rarely asks her partner to use one, she’s more than willing to beg in these types of situations, she really is just obsessed with it.
16.09.2020 17:03
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Actually loves to be submissive!! She has a pretty powerful job and is a pretty powerful woman, so anyone that she trusts enough to let take control around her is definitely someone she’s going to keep around, she definitely dosent open up at first but?? Cute little outfits?? Pink poofy dresses and maids outfits?? Hell yeah. Wouldn’t tell a soul about it though
16.09.2020 17:08
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E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Coreys had a few partners in her lifetime, she was never really the type to sleep around, so she is experienced, but not a god or anything. She tries her best and picks up on what pleasures her partner and what dosent, she definitely has her partners pleasure more on her mind in the act then she does her own, she can’t feel good unless she knows her partner is too.
16.09.2020 17:13
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F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Missionary actually!! Don’t call her vanilla o it, but something about being able to look into her partners eyes and see all the cute little expressions they make really gets her going, she loves being close to her partner, it’s sort of a saftey thing for her so she would feel no higher honor than to feel safe, and make her lover feel safe as well
16.09.2020 17:16
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G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Corey isn’t all that serious, she loves to smile, tell her partner how well they are doing, and if they break the couch? She’ll giggle and assure her partner it’s fine, she’ll buy another, she just wants her partner to feel loved and that they could be themselves around her, so she tends to stay pretty lighthearted during the act, there aren’t many wrong answers with her
16.09.2020 17:18
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H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Coreys a very high maintenance woman, I’ll leave it at that.
16.09.2020 17:22
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I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) As I mentioned before corey is a very romantic person with her partner, she’s showing a side of herself she dosent usually show, and if her partners willing to accept her for that, she’s more then willing to love them unconditionally, constantly complimenting her partner and assuring them they are doing amazing, she’s not all that great at being sweet, but she tries her very hardest
16.09.2020 17:25
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J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Loves to watch her significant other pleasure themselves!! She just adores it, something about calmly sitting in a chair and enjoying a drink while her partners a moaning mess infront of her is empowering to her, somtimes if her s\o pisses her off she has the option of tying them up and bothering them with a plethora of toys and or teasing, one of her favorite punishments in fact
16.09.2020 17:31
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K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Ohooo here we go, coreys most likely the kinkiest of my main four, she’s always down for experimentation and like I said, she aims to please Daddy kink!! Had that one for a while, eats bdsm stuff for breakfast and adores ropes and restraints, gags, cuffs and toys are normally seen lying around her office and bedroom, oh!! And a huge public humiliation kink!! Wanna tease her in public? She’s all about that, if she trusts you enough she dosent care where or when you touch her, wanna make her look like the little slut she is infront of her crew? She’s already on the table waiting for you
16.09.2020 17:34
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L = Location (favorite places to do the do) As said previously, anywhere and everywhere is fine for her, it’s not the most illegal thing she’s done, but her office and downstairs in the casino are notably some of her favorites
16.09.2020 17:39
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M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Arguing!! Loves to **** after a good argument, somtimes she will go out of her way to piss off her significant other just to get punished at a later point, but other then that if her partners had a bad day she’s more than willing to help relive some stress, also suits, if her s\o is in a suit, they’re done for, she’ll take them right then and there
16.09.2020 17:42
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Heavy degradation, she likes being called a slut, but that’s about where it stops, she dosent show it upfront but she has a very fragile ego, so anything knocking her down or making her feel like she’s nothing wont fly
16.09.2020 17:46
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O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) She’s pretty equal on loving giving and receiving, loves to watch her partner whimper and watch how cute they look as she takes care of them, but also adores having her partner do the same to her, she gets rather shy when it’s her turn though, often trying to cover herself up, but she adores it nonetheless, just could use a little more confidence
16.09.2020 17:48
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P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) She likes to start off at a teasingly slow pace, maybe even enough to have her partner beg, or rather take the pace into their own hands, but if left alone for long enough, her need will get to be too much and she will no doubt start to speed up, but every so often she enjoys a slow soft session with her partner
16.09.2020 17:50
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Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Now she’s a very busy woman, so quickies are her best friend, morning sex is one of her favorite ways to start the day, and that late night rough office sex? Can’t get enough of it, if you’re down shes most likely down too, just don’t get surprised when she gets a bit touchy out in public, she’s working on her self control.
16.09.2020 17:52
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R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) I said this a few times already but yes, she loves to experiment as long as her partners okay with it, if they like something she’s not quite into? She dosent care, she’ll do whatever they want, her pleasure isn’t the only thing that matters here, she’s down for mostly anything!! All you have to do is ask
16.09.2020 17:54
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S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Also has the most stamina out of my main four, if you can keep going, so can she, unless she’s absolutely wrecked of course she might be a bit tired, but the average session just isn’t enough for her, her average time to go is anywhere from two rounds to five
16.09.2020 17:57
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T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) I already mentioned she has some, but some isn’t where it stops. She has a whole hidden sex room in her casino! Hidden under the alias of “torture room” she’ll tell you that’s where she punishes her enemies, but that couldn’t be an any bigger lie. She loves to see her partner use toys on both her and themselves, some of her top favorites are whips, cuffs, pumps, vibrators and gags!! She loves gags, somtimes you need to shut a ***** up, you know?
16.09.2020 17:59
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U = Unfair (how much they like to tease She’s a h u g e tease, she adores banter and challenging her partner, but be warned, if you propose a contest of any sort, she’ll do her absolute best to win, she can’t stand losing. She will often also be touchy in a teasing type way, perhaps sit on her partners lap and do some “innocent” wiggling, she’s all down for that, oh!! And l o v e s to be teased in return
16.09.2020 18:02
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V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Very vocal!! She’s a bit of a screamer so, if you don’t like that she’s not your girl, whatever you like to be called in bed she’ll make sure she moans it more than enough to let you know who she belongs to, she’ll try to keep herself quiet (mainly why she likes gags so much) but she can’t exactly help it, if her partners doing a good job, she’ll make sure she lets them know
16.09.2020 18:08
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W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) She can do some shit with her magic on her partner, but she’s mostly too afraid to, she dosent exactly know the extent of her powers but it’s been rumored that being with an angel is a whole different feel of pleasure, well that’s for her partner to decide but she can administer small shocks if they prefer, thingy feelings, extra sensitivity, she can also touch them without ever actually touching them, which is undoubtedly one of her favorite tricks to pull
16.09.2020 18:10
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X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) hahahah, it’s not too far off to say she’s got some curves, she dosent have the biggest ass but it’s not flat, so that’s nice at least, but most of her curves went to her chest, she’s a confirmed d cup!! She has rather wide hips and big thighs!! She loves her thighs, probably one of her favorite things about herself
16.09.2020 18:12
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Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Very high sex drive!! But almost no time in her day to act upon it, work gets her rather stressed out and she’d rather be with her partner reliving some of it, her mind also tends to wander at work, overall it spends a lot of time on her mind
16.09.2020 18:13
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Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Not too quickly, she dosent sleep very often but after a good session she’s been known to nap, due to her protective nature she won’t rest until her partners fast asleep, she wants to make sure they are nice and taken care of long before she even thinks of laying her head down
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