In my head...
Request from SliceOfPi3 :3
Sailor moon art style!
Greenie: Déjà vu V.2
ok now fanfic
17.01.2021 18:40
Linkkey x cacodemon fanfic woo woo
17.01.2021 18:57
LinkKey was wandering around broken houses and streets. She didn't know how but she was. She finally sat down, resting her legs, though she wanted to get on the move because it was hot as hell, both where she was sitting, and temperature of the area she was in. But then she saw something in the distance. A ball. A red ball. as it got closer she could see it had spikes and one
eye? Key was confused but got up anyways
17.01.2021 19:08
LinkKey went to approach the odd looking thing, but it approached her first. 'ohhhhhh' key thought, realizing what it is. 'it's a cacodemon?? what are those doing out here?'. She walked over to it, and it came down and nudged her. the cacodemon seemed nice, and calm. very unusual but Key didn't mind. 'uh, what's going on?' Key thought. She decided to be friendly, and waved a wing. The cacodemon tilted it's body slightly to the side, showing it was curious as to what that meant. Key waved again, and the cacodemon nudged her once more. 'Does it think im talking to it?'
17.01.2021 19:09
Linkuhh lettuce i have to go grocery shopping i'll finish when i get back
17.01.2021 23:19
Linkalright continuation
and i don't remember where i was going w this so cool it'll be even better