Lol mha oc go BRRRR


02.08.2022 16:57
LinkOh yeah btw dudes like 33
so old
so short

02.08.2022 17:03
LinkOh yeah btw my hero ocs aren't a necessity but it would be enjoyed

Aizawa:*he holds the child but toga had slipped in along with a tye other weird bird things*shit...
Toga:hehe now why don't you hand over our kid hehe or we might have to get rough~*she played with her knife*
Aizawa:over my dead body
Toga:*she laughed*gladly!
*Aizawa was able to defeat her but it was difficult because he still held the child*
Toga:fine you guys handle him!
*the things March forward*
Aizawa:*his eyes widened under his goggles and he stepped back remembering what happened last time he faced theses things*

Aizawa:*he had gotten hurt he tired to escape because he knew he couldn't fight them but he got grabbed by his leg and thrown into the wall so hard it knocked him cold his head bleeding with other bruises and cuts now*
Tenshi:NO*his arms turn a dark purple and he punched one on the side of the face as hard as deku can*
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The intense vibrating of happy lad
(so, first off how I was planning on making crab and bundle of joy meet and ✨bond✨
was like, dango did illegal hero stuff because no one would give him a licence, emo hippie ran into him breaking the law, not a fight but a right broke out and then hippie figured out this was his annoying co-worker he was sus about
insert ugly sobbing of "bro I'm sorry but I have a good explaination"
hippie was like "ykw dumbass I'll help you but don't do this again or I will snitch"
and then blah blah blah teaching the idiot how not to be an idiot

Aizawa:*he sighs*anyone else want to pull something like that
*the class is silent*
Iida:*he stands up and gets infrobt of class*that was totally unacceptable behavior in this class room and as your president I will make sure katsuki never does anything like that again*he bows and goes back to his seat*
(I love big strong square lad)

Aizawa:*he and a few other pro heros were there and he was fighting like a bad ass even with that deep stab wound he now breathing heavily on the ground kinda he continues fighting till he gets hit a few times he looks in bad shape till one of thoese bird things come again but shiggy stops it and grabs Aizawa by his neck with just one finger off*
Shiggy:now your going to give me my kid back or I'll dust your throat...
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