Long Stroll

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Citrus || Cast Off (Chp. 25)


Pink Umbrella Short Animation

Subject-0011 (Revamped)


13.04.2020 05:33
LinkFinally done wew
Ima make a giant paragraph about her soon

03.06.2020 02:30
Linkaaaahahahaaa wew giant paragraph timeeeee I DID IT

03.06.2020 02:30
LinkSubject's human form: As a newborn, she was randomly dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage in the town of Nightfall. The people there saw the human baby, but for some reason were repulsed and felt disgusted on the sight of her, and they forcibly gave her to a family. The family was very busy and almost never cared for her, hiring new babysitters then stopping hiring them. For some reason, she still loved them like she would actual parents, even though she had almost nothing and had to care for herself. Years passed, and one day, on her 8th birthday, her wonderful present was that her "parents" came home, and she got to watch them get killed. She ran away and lived in the streets until she was 10, where the orphanage found her and took her in. She did horrible work in there, as she was pretty much child labor, and was bullied in horrible ways.

03.06.2020 02:30
LinkHowever, there was this one boy who saved her repeatedly. He had provided for her during her entire life, and he was her age. He had stopped her from killing herself repeatedly. He was the one person that had learnt her real name. But bad things always had to come. On her 13th birthday, she was walking the streets after escaping the orphanage again, and felt a dart in her shoulder. The next thing that she saw and felt was being tied down in a lab, being injected near the shoulder with a weird substance. That substance was the Nightfall virus. -- The boy, when he saw her disappearance, took all the people he cared about to a neighboring town, away from her, as he felt that something was wrong -- She let out a scream of pain, and was thrown into a room. She was in the room with another being, her sister, Brightfall. They didn't know that they were siblings, but ended up being great friends, trying to keep each other safe during the whole lab thing. She slowly mutated during this time, but retained her humanity.

03.06.2020 02:30
LinkShe had many horrible experiences, and kept getting injected with the weird virus, which mutated her, but retained her humanity until lab assistants dragged Brightfall out of the room that they were in. There was gunfire, and Subject screamed, trying to get to Brightfall. Brightfall wasn't seen again by Subject for a long time. Subject quickly lost her humanity after that, at first being depressed then attacking everyone and everything that she saw, turning into a monster. The lab assistants stopped after 30 injections, and waited some time. Subject had monstered-out by then, and they decided that she was a threat, dragging her out and putting a bullet through her skull...

03.06.2020 02:31
LinkWhen she awoke, she was in the dark concrete cube cell that they had moved her to after the final mutation, but something was off with her. Darkness surrounded her, and if she even had a thread of humanity left in her, it was gone. She swiftly attacked and killed everyone in the lab, not at all leaving anyone alive. When she reached the outdoors, the first thing that she went to was the orphanage... the smart people fled, but many others hid and tried to fight back. None of them lived. After she realized her powers, she swiftly sealed off the town from the 4 others next to it, and slowly exterminated the people in each of the town's four sections.

03.06.2020 02:31
LinkThe remaining survivors met with the authorities of the other local towns, horrified and wanting to search for survivors. Reluctantly, they kept sending missions of 10-12 people back to search, but none of the parties ever returned. They soon started to send missions trying to kill the beast that lived in Nightfall, the cursed town. On the 25th mission, there was something different about the town. Weird, accursed altars were in it, and there was a figure lighting them. The mission also had more people than the norm, and they were heavily armed. Subject, later, was cornered near the third and final altar as one of the people from the mission picked up the final trace of the traitor in their midst, who was lighting the altars. At the same time, the final altar was lit. The people trained their guns on Subject's head, and fired.

03.06.2020 02:31
LinkA figure, the traitor to the mission that lit the final temple shoved her out of the way, the bullets entering his body. As he lay on the ground, gasping his final breaths, Subject saw it was the boy that was her first friend and that she had slowly grown to love over the years. He had partly mutated into a figure similar to her, half of his body human and the other half a green, mutated figure like Subject but with cat ears and a cat tail. He smiled at her, satisfied that he saved her life, as he drew his final breath, going still.
That was the final straw. Subject snapped upon seeing the death of her one and only, and will forever be only, boyfriend. She quickly, but painfully, murdered everyone there, the 50th mission being worse as it was her first phantom moon, and then something weird happened on the 75th.

03.06.2020 02:31
LinkOn the 75th mission, Subject saw a human that she had recognized lighting altars. Brightfall. The thing that was different was that the others had recognized her too, and had found all 10 traces, hunting Brightfall down and trying to kill her. Brightfall had become cornered on the third altar and lit it, transforming and mutating into the blue, angelic wolfy creature that was similar to Subject. However, this time, as the men's guns fired, Subject did to Brightfall the same thing that her boyfriend did to her, sacrificing herself to save Brightfall, her sister's life. The bullets hit her in the heart and the head, and she went still on the ground.

03.06.2020 02:32
LinkA week later...
The same men were still in the town of Nightfall, trying to find Brightfall, otherwise known as Corrupted-0011 Brightfall. At that time, Subject woke up, somehow still alive, and healed herself and the partly-injured Brightfall. They both bonded together, killing the entire party of men.
Mission 100: On the 100th mission, something different happened. The world was tinted a slight shade of purple with these weird, transparent and extremely large chains coming down from the sky and connecting to the ground. The moon was purple, and there were these weird, flaming skeleton altars scattered across the place. Purple volcanoes erupted from the ground. After some time, Subject had brought the survivors to a weird, purple world, where she chased after them and slowly killed each one of them. After killing the last one inches away from the portal to life, she felt an itching in her shoulder blades.

03.06.2020 02:32
LinkShe sprung dragon wings and a tail, and returned to the normal world, much more powerful than she had ever been for a short duration. With that power, Brightfall and her slaughtered everyone in the neighboring four towns. Looking at the destruction that she and Brightfall had made, then back at the town of Nightfall, Subject swore that she would never love anyone but the boy, and would somehow find a way to revive the boy, her true soul mate.

26.07.2020 16:49
Link(Finally found a link)
Her design is inspired by https://www.deviantart.com/asorathx/art/Nightfall-Phase-3-821768213
As you can tell, there are a decent amount of similarities, but the main differences are that the gender is swapped, the right arm is different, details on the body are slightly changed, and she is more dragon-like.