i found the fluffy thing again
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+Wandering Gardener+
Papyrus believe in you
I'm not okay
15.02.2020 22:03
Link(It's a long story how I am like this.)
15.02.2020 22:10
LinkMany days ago...
I was doing math in school
I didn't know a problem
I was staring off into space
I had to talk to the teacher
She told me if I needed help,raise my hand
I went back to my seat
Few days ago...
I got cards
Red,Yellow,and Green
Red=I need help
Yellow=I need some help
Green=I am doing good
I put the cards in my desk and they where on green
But I didn't use the cards
My Grandma was telling me how I could fail if I didn't use the cards
I was thinking I'd be in 4th grade for another year
Then I walked into my bedroom
Then I got not okay.