- create flipbook animations online!
I hope it doesn’t hurt
28.06.2022 09:32
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Last ****ing straw just broke
28.06.2022 09:33
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Gah I need to separate myself from the sentiment to do this But shit man Tyson is right beside me..
28.06.2022 09:41
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Okay so Rose,,,uhm Thank you for always supporting me and being the best online older sibling I could ask for, you’ve done so much for me it’s a wonder how you haven’t left. I feel like you’re the only one on here who rarely misunderstood me and I’ve held you in high regard for that, thank you for trying to make the effort to understand me. Gawd man,,look I dunno how schools doing for you but I know you keep skipping so STHAP. please, your talent is unbelievable and your creativity knows no bounds, ALL of your characters are so so unique and if you can please pursue a career in art, wouldn’t wanna let that talent go to waste now would ya! Anyway dude..I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you though the almost four years we were friends, you really have been with me from beginning to end and I’m happy to say you’ve been my one and only true friend on Flipanim. I don’t know how you’ll react to this, but I know you’ll live lol,, and I know it’s selfish but please don’t forget about me. I love you man
28.06.2022 09:49
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Dumbass trio Finn, Jupiter and Callisto Y’all don’t get into too much trouble for the love of god, and seriously talk about what’s going on between eachother because the fact I can FEEL tension in a ZOOM CALL is Is concerning Jupiter we don’t know eachother very well but I know you’ve been my friends friend for a while, please continue to take care of them and yourself Same thing with you Finn- we don’t talk much anymore but it’s a kinda off and on thing with us all the time lmao,,take care of yourself too- I see a lot of potential in you and I want you to thrive one day. Callisto I dunno why you’re pissed off at me but I love you man, you’ve done so great these past few months, especially with all these new art and characters. Please keep pursuing your passions the way you do and don’t stop fighting for what you believe in because of peer pressure. I’m sorry buddy I really dunno what to say, if I came off as accusing I was just trying to say ppl in general suck- I don’t really know any other way to
28.06.2022 09:49
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You without messing up my words so all three of you please take care of yourselves
28.06.2022 09:54
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illogical man come out as bi already/j thanks for cheering me up on the days when I needed it, and for always asking if I’m going to be okay, you’ve done a lot of little things for me that made living a lot more comfortable thank you, really. I see you literally bursting with the energy of a leader, you’re definitely someone who knows how to make things better, don’t give up on that site okay? Keep working hard <3 Oh look Ali ur up- -Dissonance- Bae you’ve been my friend for how long??? Feels like years with the amount of comfort I get from you man, you’ve got this really comfortable vibe about you and you’re extremely approachable. AND GOD D A M N those art skills are phenomenal, I really wish we could’ve talked more, you always made me feel super at ease dude
28.06.2022 10:04
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WonderWashy- marsh Marshall,,, Thank you for making our relationship the best I’ve ever had. God you are just so…wow. You’re just so wow. Everything. Everything you work on is detailed and I’m sorry you aren’t getting the credit you want for it bud, it really should be getting more attention..you are so damn sweet and easy to talk to. You’re so passionate about your interests it makes me smile when you talk about your favorite rapper or songs- it’s ungodly adorable lmao That night I sent you a Pinterest message yeah I was a little tipsy, but I meant it, even though it’ll never be sent to you directly I can definitely paste it here- “Hey ozz ik u prolly don wann talk to me rn cuz everyone is mad at me and whatever, but I really didn’t mean it when I said I had a crush on you, I knew it was full blown love, and when you said you imagined a futur with me my heart ****in broke. Cuz I wanted you to be my future and the only person who could make me giddy smile- I lied cuz I was scared that I’d be in deeper-(con)
28.06.2022 10:07
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Deeper shit than I already was, I want to make you my future and I want to be with you so please don’t toss me away, I’m willing to do whatever to make it right, but you don’t have to if you don’t feel comfy, I just don’t want us to end y’know-? Okay I’ll stop bothering you now” yea..I was a little messy cuz I was crying all over the place lmao- but please continue to let that personality shine and don’t stop practicing. And hey- if you don’t think you’re good at something, try something new- I noticed sometimes you get stuck doing the same thing- it’s good to have some change in ur life dude take care <3
28.06.2022 10:13
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And to all seven hundred and thirty of you,,, GO GET A LIFE/j Thank you, sincerely for every like, criticism, follow, comment. ALL OF IT. This website is my world It’s been my only escape for three whole years, non matter how shitty it got it was better than home. Here I got to share my own world with all of you, and my pride and joy Karma Gah I put so much work in her I’m glad I did, I’m so happy I’m so happy I made friends with all of you With everyone And I’m sorry I really really am But I’m so So tired
28.06.2022 10:14
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Thank you guys for being my whole life
28.06.2022 09:41
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I Don't know how to help At all but.. Think about Tyson, if you.. Well Go through with it He'd probably be looking for you And guess what If you ever do it, and you're gone, he would also pass away Alone Without you Right?
28.06.2022 09:44
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And Karm, All of your characters you love, All your friends, Your siblings
28.06.2022 09:44
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You have so much skill, you really have so so much potential dudd
28.06.2022 09:44
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28.06.2022 10:03
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Hhhhh thanknu thanknu, im always trying to be comforting and stuff<33 Listen, you can talk to me about any damn thing on your mind and I won't judge. I've been friends with a dude who almost killed someone and is mentally all over the place, and it was fine with me. I know I can't stop you but please try to take some time with Tyson and really think about it before you (hopefully don't) do it okay?? I've had many accounts so at this point we've been at least mutuals for maybe a year? Also Thank you for saying dude and man<3333333 And thank you for makin me laugh, you've always been such a pleasure Even with the ups and downs I also wish we could've talked more tbh, it was fun having you around I really hope you don't do it I can't do anything other than tell you not to but if you do, I'll miss you dearly with all your cute lil doodles and interesting topics<3
28.06.2022 10:05
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I hope it doesn't hurt at all, I hope you go peacefully and I hope Tyson will be alright without you around to sleep with him, lay with him, walk him, play with him, and everything else.
28.06.2022 11:44
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Please don’t leave I know I’m late but please, you were so close man. And what about Tyson? I know there’s other people in the house but did they pay as much attention to him as you did? You mean a lot to him, you mean a lot to me. There must be some other way to go about this.
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