15.06.2022 05:57
Linktell me abt them plzpl,,z

15.06.2022 06:00
LinkVeronica is our captain, she's a hearty, serious captain with a bit of humor. Her right hand man, slim takes his job seriously. Often being cold and grumpy. Crooks is our cook and tailor! He cooks the best meals and makes custom clothing for the crew. The twins keep the ship lively and on their toes with pranks and laughter!

15.06.2022 06:00
what does veronica think of the crew?

15.06.2022 06:01
LinkVeronica thinks of em as family!

15.06.2022 06:02
what is crooks best meal to cook,, like the best thing he can cook

15.06.2022 06:03
LinkThe best thing he can cook is fried Eel or pan baked Squid! Veronica especially favors his squid.

15.06.2022 06:05
Linkooo so hes like gourmet i see u
what are the twins favorite pranks?

15.06.2022 06:05
LinkThere favorite was when the stole Slims mechanical arm and pours red wine all over it, causing it to be stained red for a couple days.

15.06.2022 06:08
Linklittle prankster gangsters
what does slim think of everyone

15.06.2022 06:08
LinkSlim thinks the twins are.. slightly a annoyance. But he sees everyone as family.

Veronica and slim looked at each other, crooks sighed. "Miss Veronica is very worried about his confidence, She was like how he is now and she doesn't want him to get seriously hurt. And slim thinks he can handle himself, and thinks of him as a younger sibling in a way. The twins and I love his company."

pretty colors
he fine tho
he think yall r cool captian reminds him of his mom,slim kinda like an older brother/father to him,,crooks is kinda like every other old man he's encountered in life,,he doesn't rlly like old ppl in general but he still likes crooks and respects him
he's planning revenge on the twins
what r yalls hobbies?
whats ur fav meal/drink?