underfail ep1
my name is ...
Requested by Samwiched
redeem testing.avi
Potato Anim-Inception
fairy garden
Ask me stuff! (pls)
07.12.2019 19:54
Linkwhy is your name ‘djaquafox’?
How old are you?
Is there a game you’re obsessed with?
07.12.2019 19:56
LinkAnswer to your first question: My name is DJAquaFoxx because my fursona is named Aqua (Might make a fursuit but might not bc hate) and she's a fox (I'm obsessed with foxes) and the 'DJ' part because it sounded good
Answer to question numero dos: I am 11. I'm turning 12 on Jan 21st
Number 3 answer: The game I'm obsessed with is Stardew Valley.
Well, when I first started out I knew I wanted my fursona to be a fox but the only problem was what colour pallete I was gonna use. I chose light blue because my fursona's name is Aqua, the purple went with the blue and for the sweater the lighter purple and the yellow go well. Boom, the more you know