I finally did it...
15.07.2020 12:27
Linknow i follow a grand total of "95" accounts. I went braindead deleting a whole lot of accounts, then once i hit the 110s, my mind went focus and i started to see people i know and really liked, and then i was getting into the "these are my greatest friends" followers. It was depressing to see the follows go, but i just had to. So...uh, if you see that im still following you rn, then that means out of all the like 900 people i unfollowed.. I truly care about you the most and your VERY special to me, and i wish to see you 95 people achieve great things in life, and i thank you for being my friend! I TRULY thank you for that. ilynh.
15.07.2020 12:38
Linkwow... who knew unfollowing people could get me emotional lol.