just a friendly reminder


23.07.2022 21:50
Linkshoutout to my writing being like
"NOT EVeryone"

23.07.2022 21:52
Linklike, yall gotta remember, a lot of people here live in countries that dont have laws as flexible as the us (or maybe they have more flexible laws)
they may not have laws that we have here, or they have laws that we dont have here, so liek
stop saying "oh but cant you *do something here* cuz the law says so?" or things to that effect
it prolly is different where they live

is there a specific reason you made this post I'm just wondering if there's any yummy delicious drama I can read

There are some specific American laws that are WAY different in Greece to the point to us they seem normal but for Americans they seem wrong (i forgot which laws were the different ones anyway)
Yeah but what exactly bug said, Americans really need to realize not everyone is from the usa

Kind of related kind of unrelated but might I add that political/social situations are different too
Cause idk I see a lot of people getting shit on for saying something on the internet considered politically incorrect or insensitive in an american/western standard when really these type of things vary greatly throughout different countries