- create flipbook animations online!
14.11.2019 17:21
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i also have given E.Lexi a real name. Laverne.
14.11.2019 17:27
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Lexi,Laverne,and Luna where all very close sisters. not just sisters twins! They lived on a different planet named Minerva where non human beings lived. Luna was the moody type but was taught well by her father. Laverne was inbetween bad and good. Lexi however was taught by her mother to always be ruthless. Her mother told her that they would soon be going to earth. she told her that it was good to kill and bad to spare. her sisters and father tried there best to tell Lexi that it was wrong but lexi refused to listen. Lexi unlocked lots of her evil sides first and used her power to try and be better. When Laverne,Lexi,and Luna went to earth it got worse. Lexi had episodes of where she would try to hurt or kill her sisters and her father. it got so bad to the point where her father left but couldnt take the children he raised cause Lexi's mother would not allow it. Luna and Laverne did not listen to there mothers ways for a while but overtime Laverne got worse. She had a crush but lots of girls liked th
14.11.2019 17:30
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the boy. her mother told her to end anyone who even spoke to him. (YANDERE ALERT) same thing for Lexi but not Luna. as the girls grew and Laverne and Lexi got worse overtime Luna decided she would fight and defeat her mother but had to get her sisters on her side first. She did succesfully realizing there wrongs. the girls all knew they would have there problems in the future but decided that they would work together to defeat there mother and try to find there father. They did win the fight but there quest to find there father is still active. and to this day as seperate as they might seem they are very very close once again. The end
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