it has begun
19.04.2020 16:31
LinkGalaxy-Wolf grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes.
crosswalk is in shock for a moment, and then retreats away from the cornucopia.
Haru gathers as much food as he can.
Shine scores a bar mace from inside the cornucopia.
sudsdacoon and frostbite both go for the same axe. sudsdacoon gives up and retreats.
Puppet snatches a bottle of alcohol and a blade.
Mocha grabs a trident and food and retreats. Spirit almost kills Mocha with a throwing knife but misses
Jilly throws a knife into moon's head.
GuessthatAnimato sets lemon on fire with a flame thrower.
nova finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
flower grabs a shield from the ground.
Port grabs a trident and food and retreats. kiros almost kills Port with a throwing knife but misses.
GuessthatAnimato Flasher and Piper get into a fight. Piper triumphantly kills them both.
blue grabs a sword.
Flurryfeather grabs some land mines but they accidentally explode.
Crimson catches bluuebe