{ Kala and her father Raven! }


05.12.2021 22:37
Link{ Meet my Sonic oc's-....I was bored so I made them- TvT }

05.12.2021 22:43
LinkKala was taken away from her mother because her mother was not a healthy person to be with. She would always make Kala work and clean. her step-dad was even worse. he would hit her or yell at her all the time if she did something wrong or a little mistake. The cop's took her away and made Kala live with her Real father Raven! Raven's never been good with kids. He never took care of Kala because of his EX-wife taking Kala with her for so many years he forgot he had a daughter. Raven is a nice gentle father but never talks to Kala or sometimes he ignore's her. Raven wan't to connect with his daughter but if afraid if he dose something wrong Kala would never love her Real father.

05.12.2021 22:43
Link- hope this is a good story to explane the oc's T^T -

06.12.2021 18:15
LinkNo response to my ok story? TvT" Is it a ok story? or dose it need to be a bit better?