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Slendytubbies Origins
29.12.2020 03:52
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The 3 bestest friends...... (FANMADE NOT OFFICIAL!)
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29.12.2020 04:00
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In a distand land far away, Lied underground machines, Which have made teletubbies, Humanoids, 4 Teletubbies where created, As you already know the names of them. "Tinky winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, And po." Purple, Green, Yellow and red. All best friends. But this isn't about them, Nope. It's about 3 BEST friends, Though, Nobody met them except the men who created them, They don't have names, So let's call them "Arrow, Yeti, & Cave." When they first met each other, They knew each other very well, And became best friends forever, They were in the main land now, And they found a cave. "Hey look! A cave! That's probably where you got you're name from, :Cave: XD" Arrow said. "Hey, I only got that name cause i like caves." "Welp, I think we should go in, Right C & A?" "Sure!" They both said, They talked about how they gave them crayons to draw themselves, And they drew the best friend trio. "You're my bestest friend!" Yeti said, With the happiest expression you would ever ask for.
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29.12.2020 04:08
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"I love you." He said once more, As they all hugged together. "Hey! I should write a journal on how we've been here!" Cave said. "That's a great idea!" Arrow had said once more. Laughter came from yeti. 2 hours later, They wrote they're journal, But something was wrong... "Oh no, They are here!" Yeti said, With a shaking voice. Arrow said his words convincingly. "Quick! Hide the journal! They might rip it up!" So cave hid his journal, But dropped in on the floor without noticing, They all separated, But they were all found. "Don't hurt me!" Cave said with a scared and shaking voice. "We'll tortue you anyway and anywhere we want to." The coat man said. They were being tortured, But unfortunately, Cave was the one being tortured the most. Cave screamed out. "AAAAAARGH!!!" Being covered in blood, With nothing to eat, Nothing to do. Yeti, With his shaking words, Held Arrow and Cave's hands, "I'm here..." Yeti said, They were all crying. "When will the pain stop?"
29.12.2020 04:22
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3 hours later, Still night time. Something black with a glowing television and a shiny white smile appeared, And gave them each a custard to eat. "Eat up." The man said, As he dissapeared. "Wait! Who are you!" Cave said. "What matters, Is that we have to eat." Yeti said. They all ate the custard, Licked the whole bowl clean, They don't waste they're food. 1 night later, Arrow and yeti woke up, Nobody was there, They opened up the door to the bedrooms, They went to look for cave, They found him, But he was big, And he was tall.
29.12.2020 04:25
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"Cave! You're alive!" Arrow said. Arrow ran to give him a hug was when cave turned around he roared at him, Raising his claw-like hand on his left, Preparing to hit him. Arrow got out of the way, Grabbing yeti's hand and running away. "What are you doing? We have to go back for him!" Yeti said. "DIDN'T YOU SEE WHAT HE WAS ABOUT TO DO TO ME?!" Arrow said shakingly. As they ran to somewhere safe, They've found a lake, And tried to rest at it, But they couldn't. Arrow said in his mind Why would these coat men torture cave? Could he be in rage? I wonder what yeti is doing. He said. ---PART 2 COMING SOON---
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