Meet Torch
12.01.2020 22:03
I love the jacket!!
Luke’s note:
Name: Torch
Real name: Th-599
Height: 7’5
Weight: 379
Age: 35
Abilities: Flamethrower
Personality: Loyal
Hobbies: Upgrading system
Description: Even though he doesn’t show any human emotions torch is pretty chill he doesn’t really mind if jester speaks to him and he doesn’t have a human heart so basically he’s just an average every day a robot but apparently he was found at an old nazi hide out So a few other members of the freaks fixed him and now he’s on the side of their team and to be honest he’s a really cool dude in my book.
Origin: Torch what is made by the Nazis he was known as TH-599 I supposed super soldier but unfortunately he didn’t activate so the project went downhill and the freaks found him several years later so they patch them up and now he’s an honorary member of their team.