

Gift4@Luckygem (no requests)


Something rad to think about

squishy froge

park anim
eho has ther own phone?


25.04.2018 02:59
LinkI don't. :'>

25.04.2018 02:59
Linkme neither...

25.04.2018 03:00
LinkI use my moms computer to animate. XD

25.04.2018 03:11
Linki use the school computer to animate

25.04.2018 03:47
LinkIn Australia U have to buy your own computer for school (u get one in year 7 which is probs like America’s year 6 idk) so my parents brought me a brand new Mac book pro coz I promised My Dad that I would use it to do photoshop and stuff (which I have) and then I got Mum mums old iPhone 6 coz she got a 7. I feel extremly lucky that i have these devices ?

25.04.2018 19:31
Linkyup, but they gave em out in 7th so i got it in 7th, but 6th grade is when they get them for now on. and we dont buy them, we borrow them until we either move or go to highschool, or we pay if we ruin or break em.

25.04.2018 23:55
Linki only have a flip phone and a school chromebook so i just use my chromebook

03.05.2018 17:59
Linkim going to sometime (only for text and call) XD

03.05.2018 18:00
Linki wont for a while (not till im 16-17)

15.05.2018 11:39

24.05.2018 19:38
LinkI don't have a phone I just use a touch screen chromebook
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I don't have a phone. I get ticked off when I hear people saying they're "upgrading" to a new phone when some people don't even have a flip phone.

*cough* in 7th grade without one ;-;
When i turn 15 i can get one tho, but its gonna be a flip one. Better then nothing i guess :3

for the dragon, do u want it half human? kinda like mine>? also if u want it part human would u like it to be wearing a jumper like mine?

hmm, no hair, and a jumper yes, maybe black with a couple rips or tears. and then the dragon could have light blue skin, like dis....https://www.google.com/search?q=blue&rlz=1CAACBB_enUS773US774&complete=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiS68qZ5NTaAhUV9WMKHS4ODN0Q_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=621&surl=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=lijq0BCVF0N6LM:

Ok, so this is not the final thing. I was playing around with a few different variations of the horns, nails, spikes, eyes and mouth. Tell me what you would like me to change and what ideas u like the best. I know I cut off the feet, I can design them after we have finalised it more. Also, I did this one in the style I drew my OC, but, I can change that. if u do not like it, please tell me.

I'm in 10th grade and I don't have a phone! I'm literally the only one in any of my classes who doesn't have one. My parents are only going to give me one once I am a lifeguard, meaning I have to be at least 16 years old, but I'm probably going to get one even later than that!

Tbh I think the minimum age someone should get a phone is AT LEAST 11 like all these parents who give they’re kids phones at 4 and 5 need to stop they gotta wait until they’re actually responsible enough to have one cuz those things are expensive man I could rant about this more but I’ll stop sorry X)

well i dont have one, but i do have a kindle. but one thing, i do have an ipod and used to have a samsung tablet. but my ipod was very old so i just stopped usin it cuz wuts the point. my kindle doesnt work like shit anymore so dats great. but one thing i dont like bout ipods and crap is that u had to put ur icloud every 5 seconds. so yeah i do like samsung better i guess. alright ima shut up.