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I'm bored so imma vent here
24.08.2020 04:09
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So hi Yes I have been sad Uh The main reason is that my closest friends onlines are distant. They keep ghosting me and such So that's why I get so uh...Weird and obsessive when someone on here dissappears for like an hour If you (the person who should be ignoring this) have ever like Seen like ten shitposts by me within like half an hour That usually is me trying to distract myself from the fact people aren't talking to me And I just On here? I've lost,,, So many people My first friend group forgot about me, my second group kinda split up and we hardly know each other now, my third group stuck for a long while, and that was on and off, adding friends and losing them And then I just had Pinkie And then...She was gone So I had to make this account since the others were dead And uhm.. I suppose I kind of had a friend group for a bit, with Pudding, Shoe, and Bllue, sorta? Since we all chatted together a lot But then Shoe left And now she's back but We a
24.08.2020 04:15
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Rent exactly a friend group anymore??? Idk, maybe I just..Have too high standards Well, anyway With all that past and still just being here, getting ghosted...Scares me And lately people I really care about have been doing it a lot One friend has been ghosting me for five weeks Another friend has been telling me he ghosts a lot of people because it's hard for him to talk to people But But he never used to and And I guess I just I'm scared of losing them And And One of my closest irl friends (as toxic as she is) has just been making obvious excuses of why she hasnt emailed me when we call Cuz when we call she easily can email me But she cant email me on her own accord?? And then one of my closest nontoxic irl friends hasn't responded since halfway through summer And I'm just so *tired* of losing everybody I ****ing care about And That's why I've been so depressed lately, ig-
24.08.2020 04:19
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And then whenever my friends that do talk to me vent to me I just cant help And yet here I am Wishing I could get help like the ****ing hypocrite I am I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I'm so selfish, I'm so obsessive, I'm so *useless* And nobody can even tell me I'm not because it's true I am I'm a ****ing terrible person That's probably why not even toxic friends care about me anymore
24.08.2020 04:24
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And I'm just Waiting I'm waiting for him to leave me as well I'm waiting for my first actual love that I've been with for two years to just Tell me I'm waiting for him to tell me he hates our relationship Because I don't even do much for him The best thing I've done for him was give him a Kokichi poster or when I got us tickets to that dance which he didnt even enjoy That's it And he gives me so much more than what I can ever give him Hell, I gave him dead roses because I thought he might like them Like What the hell What is *wrong* with me
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