Meet margret
14.12.2018 22:52
14.12.2018 22:59
Margret weasel grove ( ahhh created her on a sticky note in civics today and I love her she’s so cutteeeeeeeeee, I’m proud of her vwv
Age: 19
Height: 5’9
Species: human
Bi? Single
In her religion and country chicldren are grown at age thirteen , and when she turned thirteen war broke out , by fourteen she was sent to fight in war , she was skilled , smart and fast , she is a very powerful warrrior , she made weapons , when the war was ending at the age 17 she made the ending blow but lost her arm in the processs, two years later here we are , she having a robotic arm made, she moved to America and she’s in college to become a austronamist , she gets flustered easily , she has a bit F a cent , she speaks fluent French , Russian and English , she is often found in a the book store or Walmart