yet another update
24.06.2017 15:30
Link''wtf artistik, stop making update fillers''
ye this needed an actual update.
i'm working on something VERY special!
i'm currently working on an emoji project.
since flipanim implemented the ''attach animation'' on comments, i could make versions of my character expressing something and then when i want to comment on something, i can attach it!
this will take a long time and i definelty need your support :)
other than that, when i get my wacom, i'll make a flipbook series.
that's the last time i make an update for this month, sorry for the filler
and yes i'm going to contact flipanim if he/she can change my name (if it's possible)
until next time
24.06.2017 15:31
Linklol dude we already did that whole emoji thing before but the trend is kinda dead now so yea
24.06.2017 15:38