stick battle prt 1
Art stuff you might need 2 kno
"elfing beautiful"
:) im fine.
24.10.2019 23:15
Linkfeel free to send this to people.
24.10.2019 23:17
LinkIt doesn't seem like your fine, and I know. I've felt the same. Trust me, people see you and love you. Of course we don't forget you, it's just that right now some of us are viewing other things and creating our own. We all will notice you, we love you. We love you too, and 'we' are sorry for making you sad.
>When I say this i'm speaking for everyone here<
24.10.2019 23:24
LinkThank you, and I do understand what you refer to here. (shiT typEinG maKeS mY eyes water-) I know the many great animators and artists out here, and i see them and their amazing work. While I sit here, proud of them. But honestly unless I post something thats even relevant to art no one cares to look, witch disappoints me, since i dont have much time anymore to do art cause of school.
24.10.2019 23:29
LinkI honestly feel the same, I don't get noticed much.. and I'm not on much either, but I'm starting to do more 'projects' and such on here so I'll be on more, I promise you, I'll come look at your things more from now on 💕 everyone deserves the support, and I've always hated just being a support-robot. It's almost like that's my only use. I give everyone support and help them, and when I'm sad, depressed, and down.. no one cares about me. It makes me so upset.
24.10.2019 23:32
LinkThats kind of what I used to be. I used to go to people who where upsent, hurt, or depressed and tried to be positive for them, and give them whatever support I can. But now... Im just a lonely idiot, Yes I have my best friend krazgat witch im happy for. Krazgat is the only flipping reason I havent left this site.
24.10.2019 23:34
LinkNow you have a 2nd reason 💕 I'll be by your side for now on, friend :)
24.10.2019 23:34
Linkfrom** not for
s o b s
w h y, I was great at typing ;w;
24.10.2019 23:37
Link;w; Ask me, im sitting here holding back flipping tears.
24.10.2019 23:40
Aww that's so sad
I try to tell you how much I care for you, but It's like my comments don't even matter? What more do you want, though?
Krazgat I enjoy having you around, but i generally feel my account has died. I know most things come to and end, but unless I actually post something, no one looks. I post art, get a few comments some likes and everything ends. you are the only person around who seems to comment? maybe conversant a little. but i generally feel im of no use here. my art hasent changed? and im overrun by people who are much better witch I respect. but.. Im kinda sitting here in my own corner, waiting for someone, to just genrally chat with me. maybe even just look. my motivation is just flumped. dont listen to my posts im just getting my shit together.,
Even though it dosent seem like it, Ilynh kraz <3
Guess so. The only issue is, Is that, my time has became limited. most my time, i spend on an app called "LINE" chatting with friends that I have known for many years online. I send them my paper art and stuff.... and The support me. witch is why my life isent a freaking drape of the cruel people who only judge art by how it looks. . so.. yep...
:( 💕 -Sends more love-