Eye am back >:3

Rainbow Griefer's Balloon

Toon Link :3

Japan x Reader: Pocky Game



-Driving Through The Country-
Tell meh something entertainin


06.02.2019 06:04
LinkDid you know back in the old sprays a murderer was getting hanged for his mutters and the man asked what his last words were and the men said lets do it and the Nike like 100years later made a quote out of i into just do it

06.02.2019 06:04

06.02.2019 06:04

one time, i going on a slide. it was very big, and i wimped out at the last second. i SLIPPED AND FELL DOWN THE SLIDE FACE FIRST. when i got down, the first thing one of the lifeguards was dont go down the slide like that. then they asked me if i was ok. i will mention i hit the water with my cheek. after going down a slippery, long, slide. so it felt like i hit concrete. the end.

also, one time in third grade, the custodian kept calling a kid in my class logan balls because he would bounce balls on the cafeteria floor. on one of the last days of school, he said "im gounna play basketball." then i said "makes sense, you are logan balls after all." that was one of the best roasts i ever made.