resting sad face ¯\_(ツ)_/
d r a g o n q u e e n .
'Try to get up, lol'
{-Soldier Poet King-}
goodbye, i'll miss you all
29.06.2018 00:33
Linki have a lot of things going on in my REAL life, i really hope you guys understand, thank you all for being such great friends,helpers, and animators! it was so much fun being on here with you guys! i promise that i'll come back and visit, but that might not be for awhile, i might comment, or like, but i don't think i'll be making anymore anims, and once again, i'll really miss you all, goodbye!
- snowfee,magicat,and so-ph-ie
29.06.2018 03:31
LinkI along with many others will miss you a bunch as well! I hope you continue to keep art as a part of your life, bc you were truly amazing at it!
29.06.2018 15:52
LinkSophie, I'll miss you so much, but I guess if you choose to leave, it's your choice, so I really cant do a thing about it. But I'll miss you!!!!!
02.07.2018 04:03
Link@Chromello, i will miss u too! And thank you so much for being...well, just a great person! @tacomat 1 i love the name haha 2 thank you, and i will miss you too, if you get a phone here’s my # 760 420 5023
Plz no, hackers
27.07.2018 17:32
Linkoh my snowfee
27.07.2018 17:34
Linkoh, and btw im also doodledog,and tacocate soooo yas i have 3 accounts.