Tween Practice
23.05.2019 03:16
LinkI'm wondering if I should try and poem attempt this one...
23.05.2019 03:18
LinkY e S!
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The wolf is in a better place, somewhere safe and sound,
Give a cheer, not a jeer, for this greatfully lucky hound!
For once when he howled at the moon, and shivered in the sun,
He now understands the moon and sun are both one.
Both bringing light, each with their own.
He no longer feels the great pain in his bones.
He now stands upright, alone, but with no fear,
He feels no darkness, only the warmth that floats near.
As his fur breezes into the sunlight, glad to greet him too,
The boned wolf feels young...he now feels new.
And to this poem, goes someone true...
XxSam-The-Furry11xX, this poem's for you.