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04.12.2018 22:53
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it bugs me on a personal level when people refer to depression as "a side" of someone. it really does. so much, in fact, that i have to make a blog about it. that's how you know it really gets under my skin. so hey, time to talk about that. depression isn't just "a side" of you; at least after a while. pretty quickly after you find out about it, depression becomes you. it follows you and never goes away. over time, you can't even imagine life without it. that's how bad it gets. i'm gonna use robloxoofer as an example. robloxoofer drew their oc with shade over their eyes in the typical edgy fashion with tears running down their face. the title of the anim was "(oc's name i can't remember)'s depressed side" first, again, depression isn't just a "side" of you. secondly, depression ISN'T JUST BEING SAD. which rolls pretty smoothly into my next argument..
04.12.2018 22:53
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depression ≠ sadness sadness is an emotion, a fairly temporary one at that. if you get sad, maybe because your dog died or something, someone could cheer you up by taking you out and buying you ice cream, or going to see a feel-good movie with that really good buttery popcorn. depression is long-term; sure, someone trying to make your day better will help you feel a little better that day, but soon enough the depression returns. it's an almost infinite bad mood that will never truly go away; it scars people deep. compared to it, sadness is just a light scrape on the knee. drawing an oc being sad all the time does not make an oc depressed. that's all im trying to address. sorry if this is rushed im eating
04.12.2018 23:02
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cough also i forgot to attatch roblox's anim that i was talking about so here
04.12.2018 22:59
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I don’t have depression (at least I don’t think so) but some people’s ignorance is just painful. They think depression is sadness. Robloxoofer has no idea what depression is yet claims to have ounce and it. I agree with you. In the attached anim if you read robloxoofer’s comment, it just shows how unaware they are. They think depression is what the internet says it is.
04.12.2018 23:05
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Why don’t people get that if you’re going through a rough time, or are in a bad mood, that it dosnt mean you’re depressed? This pisses me off because now-a-days everybody says they have depression, or claims to have “spiraled into depression” at some point when something bad happened. Even adults do this. Letmeexplainstudios (a popular adult youtuber) claimed to have been depressed just because she was upset her dad died. I’m glad that in the modern day that depression has attention, but the problem is that people don’t get it
04.12.2018 23:09
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All the media and internet says is “one of the side of effect of depression is sadness and self-doubt.”, so that’s all people know about it. When somebody is stressed, they automatically assume that they’re severely depressed. This annoys me because every person goes through struggles in life, but now in 2018 if you go through a struggle, it means you have depression or anxiety.
04.12.2018 23:18
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Sorry if this is long, I’m just half spewing out my feelings, and half trying to just talk. Your account is one of the few places where I can acatlly state facts without being called a bully
04.12.2018 23:23
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it's fine! that's actually what i'm aiming for; i share my depression pretty openly on the internet so people can find me and have someone to relate to, and hopefully feel safe venting to, since finding people that will understand and listen is a bit hard (at least for me). don't be afraid to share your opinions with me on this kind of stuff, i'm always open.
04.12.2018 23:00
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f a c t s. i think this is a big issue, especially on fa. if you have a depressed o.c, they wouldn't look sad all the time, most ppl with depression hide it, as to not be a burden on others. I know ppl who look happy all the time, but in reality, their really sad. Depression can get lighter with good activities that you like,or you could put it of your mind for a bit, but it's still their.
04.12.2018 23:17
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Depression and being sad are different. I’m going to keep it short. Depression: Sadness hopelessness and anger for a long period of time, like months and it can’t be simply “got over”. It requires medicine and therapy. It is a mental state, you may feel better sometimes but it is still there. Sadness/blues: A sad period of time for like, two days. It can be gotten over easily. Everyone has them.
05.12.2018 00:55
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Cough True I guess but some people's depression isn't as severe as other's, different people experience it differently so you never really know if it's a mood swing for that certain person or something else.
05.12.2018 10:23
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my friend told me suicide and I said so is humanity because nowadays people use depression as some expression and te same level as sadness. I asked people if they ever felt depressed one time ,but most of their responces are just sadness. True, depression isn't sadness as sadness isn't a mental state as sadness is just an emotion. Depression can't truly be cured ,but can be fix but that "fix" takes. years to achieve. Deprssion isn't a side as depression like I said... is a mental state that brings negative output to the person. I hate it when someone just forces a depressed person to have a positive outlook in life. I mean,I have,but my friend hates me venting and I know that centing out to people is bad, but when you really can't cope with it then what am I supposed to do? Small words said with such little idea hurts. The other reason for why depression isn't sadness because if its just sadness then people depressed are basically what you think people who only bare one emotion. Not,really.
05.12.2018 10:34
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Depression holds negative emotion. Emotions like anger, hurt, sadness,guilt,hate and many else. Depression might be common but even if it is. It's still a serious mental condition as people who have it will think of ways to suicide. A lot of people or may be not a lot but some people tend to hide it like it's something to be ashamed of. I'm pretty ashamed of people who make fun of such a state to the fact that person will probably go away. When you bully a depressed person , their depression just gets worse that they put in mind that if the world hates them they will go away and not be another problem in their lives. Bullying a person with depression is very wrong. Some depressions are more severe than others. It's the same state it's just that other people experience other things. Not everyone goes through the same proccess of how they got it in life. Somehow like most people in the LGBT some kids or teens gets disowned for having it in their lifes.
05.12.2018 10:42
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Its even worse when you're stuck in a homophobic country. My mom isn't homophobic, but what if the world is? What if they don't accept me? I already know that my country that homosexuality and other sexualities are legal but.... not everywhere. My friend's mom is literally homophobic and her mom cheats on her dad several times. My friends dad is not homophobic though. I want to help her so bad, but I can't. I wanna complain about it, but I can't because no one knows them enough to help them. I really can't do anything to help my friend's life like I really can't. I wish I can, but it's there life. Not mine, so it's their choice not mine. We have the same thing where we take the quote "help others before you help yourself". I've been helping people to try to get over their depression but I didn't even help myself with mine. I just think that my pain isn't anything much compared to theirs. That what they experience matters more than mine. I wish I can convice myself to stop thinking like that but...
05.12.2018 10:43
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it's already too late. (sorry for the long message)
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