im going off for a bit
19.04.2019 22:59
Linklook, my account is literary dead. Nobody honestly views my drawings/anims anymore which ive spent time on, and my latest likes are from my alt account. I just want followers that like my art, not just follow me for no reason. Sorry for this rant, but im going to be off for a bit. Maybe for even longer. Im sorry if ive ever been rude to you on here, or if ive been an a**h***
19.04.2019 23:00
LinkIm sorry to all my best friends on here, but im going for a break. Goodbye.
19.04.2019 23:04
Linkanyways, one last thing, (or maybe a few last things) i feel like i dont belong on this site. If i do an Q N A, nobody responds. Nobody asks questions. I also hate how if I do a "request", nobody responds, so im stuck with nothing.
19.04.2019 23:06
Linkalso, there are SO many users on this site that are completely overrated. And there is alot on this site who take their time to draw up something which might get one like, but for an overrated user, this user might post a smiley face, and get 50 likes. Its unfair
19.04.2019 23:07
LinkNow, I know NOBODY will see this as my account is dead, and if you wanna check out my others accounts, they are @LaughingOutLoud and @RipThisAccount.
So goodbye.