who likes any of them
13.01.2018 23:21
Linkoof I'm so bored
14.01.2018 02:03
LinkoOf tHeSe aRe AlL dUDeS iF yOU CAn'T tElL
14.01.2018 02:05
Linklol ik
14.01.2018 02:06
Linkthis was for anyone who may not know
oof Alex is asexual but he is homoromantic
pretty sure Chase is bisexual and romantic but hardcore denies it and says he's straight, he only get's with dudes if he's super wasted
Dee is probably panromantic, and and maybe homosexual
Danny is just pan all the way
Max is bi? gay? idk, maybe biromantic and bisexual
Kip is just gay, very gay, slightly tries to hide it
Alex: Oh well, I like the more strange than scary ones. I don't think you would call them supernatural, but there are some novels that I like, by two writers, Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor.(incoming advertisement for real books I want) They are the Welcome to Night Vale novels, based on the podcast Welcome to Night Vale. Those are sort of like the books I like. They are kinda weird,,, well, more than kinda, eheh heh...But I like to imagine the strange and Different worlds...
(yes these actually exist and I love it's weirdness, sorry lol)