A another Rant
10.07.2019 13:37
Linkokay *cough stealing OCs has gone too far
people even through they are a troll or someing I dont know and I don't care but the only thing is that the main person who thought of the OC people took time to think of a good OC I mean I took about 2 weeks or more tto think of my Galaxy OCs even through the person is a hater, does 18+ without marking it, or a tracer and more but the only thing is stealing their OCs it's not funny doing that
I have seen many people say that this is a troll account so don't worry about anything
bro, how the hell can't we worry if you ae stealing others ideas?
10.07.2019 13:40
Linkthe only thing here is what we want is justice as they say ( this is one of my quote) "you can't get in someone soul to solve your problem" but you can tell them I hate when a person OC gets stole and others don't worry and say that it's just a troll
we all know it's a troll but how they are acting is not like a troll
spamming, jokes, stealing OCs, not doing 18+ and many more has gone too far Flipanim is getting ruined by it
10.07.2019 13:58