look in the comments...


21.06.2018 01:19
Linki'm pretty sure i have depression, and i have some symptoms; i have insomnia(it's really hard for me to fall asleep), and when i do eventually fall asleep, i crave sleep, i've lately been sleeping in a long time, till about noon, and i'm still sleepy after that, and also, recently i've started thinking about the small, yet stupid mistakes i've made throughout my life and it's really been getting to me,and also, iv'e been eating a lot of food, and am still not full,but when i do this, i get very self consious about my weight and size, so then the rest of the day i'll force myself not to eat anything... on flipanim it's like i have a whole other life, but that to me is even more stressful, i just don't think i can go on like this, i now have a third account called: So-ph-ie. along with all the symptoms, i have been crying for random reasons,getting really mad at small things,feeling sad, and i've been really tired and cranky...so, i've been thinking about leaving to do better things, but it is so hard trying to

22.06.2018 05:49
Linksame im having the same problems... if flipanim is stressing you out we can leave together

24.06.2018 13:17
LinkI mean if you really want to leave and you have to, OK, but otherwise,PLZ STAY!!!