Bowser (Angry)
Old thing that was for Luna
shin-ah (fanart)
Animated pun
H a n d s o m e
Name and Personality
01.01.2019 21:04
Linkkind but hates everyone
01.01.2019 21:06
Linkher name should be Mesi
01.01.2019 21:06
Linklionel mesi
01.01.2019 21:08
Linkim just joking
Comment removed
Name: Luna Ishe
Personality:Shy,Caring,and nice
Age:recently turned 17
Luna Ishe was raised as a Only child as a young girl, her birth parents always expected her to get good grades in school but when Luna didn't get good grade inside of a calm sit down talk she would get beat to no end. One day she got beat so bad that she had to go to the hospital and she was blinded in one of her eyes. So that is why she covers her eye, she was placed in a foster home since her parents went to jail for the crime. Every time though she went to a foster home, the parents and sibling would treat her badly just because she was a Neko, this lead her to not trusting many people and having a very low self esteem. She is now living on her own because of all the torment she went through in her childhood and teenage years.