Meet Harvest


06.04.2018 16:21
LinkHello harvest

06.04.2018 16:21
LinkShes very cute

06.04.2018 16:28
LinkHarvest: *Meows and closes her eyes as she drifts off to sleep.*
"Shes taking a nap :P"

I got Her from Mads (MadsMarie) and decided to name her Harvest.
Now i have two cats on here :D
Description By Mads:
"This chubby lady is about 2 years old. She was rescued from the wilderness about 3 months ago, caretakers say she was a scrawny little one when they got her. Now, she’s one of the fattest cats they own.
Likes: tuna, naps with owner, tummy rubs, being picked up
Dislikes: excersise, dry cat food, having her tail touched, being poked"